Logue and Blanck Collaborate for Clara Barton Museum

April 28, 2017

BBI Senior Fellow Larry Logue and BBI Chairman Peter Blanck Collaborate for Clara Barton Museum Website on “A Creature of Its Time: The Pension Bureau”

BBI Senior Fellow, and former Mississippi College Professor, Dr. Larry Logue and BBI Chairman Dr. Peter Blanck have written an online article for the Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum. “A Creature of Its Time: The Pension Bureau” describes the federal Pension Bureau’s struggles to withstand the flood of applications from Union veterans with disabilities and intense pressure from political parties and interest groups after the U.S. Civil War.

For the past decade, Dr. Logue and BBI Chairman Peter Blanck have conducted extensive research on Union army veterans’ experience with disabilities and with the federal government’s benefits. Building on their prior work investigating veterans’ longevity and African Americans’ treatment in the pension system, they wrote Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: Veterans and Benefits in Post-Civil War America, a volume in Cambridge University Press’s Disability Law and Policy series. For more on Logue and Blanck’s writings, see Historical Research on Disability.

At BBI, Dr. Logue is collaborating with Dr. Blanck to explore the psychological traumas suffered by Union army veterans. This investigation will culminate in Heavy Laden: Union Veterans, Psychological Illness, and Suicide, a new monograph to be published in 2018 by Cambridge University Press in the Disability Law and Policy book series.

About the Burton Blatt Institute
The Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University reaches around the globe in its efforts to advance the civic, economic, and social participation of people with disabilities. BBI builds on the legacy of Burton Blatt, former dean of SU’s School of Education and a pioneering disability rights scholar, to better the lives of people with disabilities. For more information, visit the Burton Blatt Institute Website.